From Technical Expertise to Project Management, A Look at UMC’s Customer Experience
Some of our smallest parts play a pretty big role in helping develop life-saving technology. This specialized area of medical device manufacturing is something we take very seriously and are quite proud of when it comes to the instruments and implants our customers produce in partnership with UMC.
We sat down recently with a medical device team leader, a valued customer we’ve worked alongside for more than a decade. He assumes a critical role within his organization sourcing the highly technical parts that go into producing vital products manufactured by his employer. We’re grateful for his time, sharing an inside look at how he relies on our UMC team members and the value they add. (For confidentiality and proprietary purposes, we do not disclose our customer’s name nor the organization with which he’s employed.)
What type of services does UMC provide for your organization?
There’s a very distinct line of cross-functional expertise at UMC. We get engineering expertise; we get quality manufacturing expertise; and we get project management expertise, which is really beneficial in helping us stay on track with our production timeline. That project management role is crucial, being able to report up through the organization with regards to where we’re at with new product launches.
What else is unique about UMC? What do they bring to the table that other vendors do not?
In addition to the technical and project management abilities, we rely on their qualifications and certifications. It’s what we call a fully validated shop. UMC complies with the validations and process qualifications required by the medical device industry. I know when there’s a UMC part or component, it’s going to have those FDA requirements in place.
How specifically does UMC excel with its technical expertise?
The complex components UMC creates hold tolerances up to four decimal places. It’s critical to have an ability to hold those tolerances within a particular range and to measure and repeat the measurement systems on those tight tolerances. The UMC team has an ability to look at a highly technical blueprint and say, this particular dimension is not achievable the way it’s drawn. As a true partner would, they’re looking at our print and checking to make sure that our R&D folks have a print that represents a part that can be successfully manufactured.
What are some of the benefits of working with UMC?
Trust and faith; I’ve got all the trust in the world with those guys, and I’ve got a lot of faith in their abilities. I also appreciate the availability of their leadership team, they prioritize our business and are open and accessible, which is not always the case.
If you had a colleague or another peer in the industry looking for a vendor, what would you say as a recommendation for UMC? Why should someone work with them?
It’s the technical expertise, it’s knowing that they understand the medical device industry and how that all works, and it’s knowing that you’re going to get a good cross functional team based on roles.
What three words would you use to describe UMC or your relationship with UMC?
Close, tight, and super. By close I mean relationship-wise. It’s free and open and if there are issues, we get those on the table. Tight because there’s never enough time in the schedule to get it done to everybody’s paradigm requiring close communication, which you always see on a UMC project. Then super would be compared to other vendors that work with us.
Striving to deliver a superior customer experience represents a core UMC value, so being defined as close, tight and super is a badge of honor we wear proudly. Are you ready to experience the UMC difference? Request a quote today by clicking here.